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We invite you to experience our virtual tour!


The following classes are now full for the 2024-25 school year:

Little Hearts - PMO

Ladybugs - Younger 2s

Frogs - Older 2s Younger 3s

Rainbows/Owls - 5 day 3s


We are still accepting applications for the following classes:

Bees - 2 day 2s

Butterflies - 3 day 2s

Superstars - PreK


Acceptance priority is as follows:


1.   Currently enrolled students that are registered OLA parishioners and their siblings.


2.   Currently enrolled students that are not registered OLA parishioners and their siblings.


3.   Returning families.


4.   Registered OLA parishioners.


5.   Catholics registered at other parishes.


6.   The general community.

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